Board Of Directors
Executive Committee
Kristen Garland
Board Chair
Evelyn Abello
Vice Chair
Shelly Kells
Deborah O’Leary
Deborah Smith
At-Large Member
Board Members
Tom Abbott
Paola Banchero
Jamie Delman
Heidi Hansen
Jim Kubitz
Minoo Minaei
Board Members
Lia Patton
Ayyu Qassataq
Kimberly Waller, FY25 Leave of Absence
Karen Wuestenfeld
Community Advisory Board
Kathy Balcomb
Carolyn V Brown
Dawn Bundick
Tanisha Charles
Heather Flynn
Julie Houle
Jewel Jones
Richard Lazur
Joy Chavez Mapaye
Victoria O’Hara
Aud Pleas
Sandy Rabinowitch
Cecelia Rendon
Lisa Schwarzburg
Sid (Lawrence) Trevethan
Laura Zamborsky