Rep. Andi Story said it’s an effort to address the state’s struggle to hire key employees and stem the tide of outmigration.
New research drills down on poor student achievement and notes some school districts that are beating the odds.
The plaintiffs challenge homeschoolers’ use of state funding for tuition at private and religious schools and seek to add the districts as defendants after a state Supreme Court ruling last year.
Police say they searched East High and Russian Jack schools and found no weapon.
Students, staff and parents spoke in support of the IGNITE program and the school for deaf students.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy convened a group of key lawmakers from the House and Senate to hammer out a compromise education funding bill that would avoid a veto.
At Gov. Dunleavy’s suggestion, a team of negotiators from his office will meet with select legislators starting Tuesday morning.
The proposed budget would cut programs, some sports, and other classroom programs.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy's bill does not increase the state's base student allocation. He has repeatedly called for any funding increases to be targeted and tied to reforms.
Alaska students ranked 49th out of 50 states in most categories.
Bargaining parties reached a tentative deal with support from federal mediation, after talks stalled in a deadlock last month.
Mountain Village School on the lower Yukon River hosted their first-ever self-made book fair earlier this month — and the first in years since Scholastic changed their shipping policies, affecting schools off the road system.