Ammon Swenson
Audio Media Content ProducerAmmon Swenson is Alaska Public Media’s Audio Media Content Producer.
Ammon was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska.
He graduated from UAA in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and integrated media.
He’s previously worked for KRUA radio, the Anchorage Press, and The Northern Light.
aswenson (at) alaskapublic (dot) org
Anchorage Civic Orchestra concerto competition winner, Henry Nichols, and runner-up, Bryce Herda, discuss their successful auditions, their concert with ACO, and what's in store after high school.
Anchorage Festival of Music and breaking the fourth wall with 'The Dragon of Wantley' | State of ArtAFM's upcoming production of the beloved "anti-opera" takes its cues from burlesque and theater-in-the-round for an immersive performance.
The Anchorage singer-songwriter recently released his first album since 1999 and it's packed with a mix of heartfelt and hilarious tracks featuring a small army of local musicians.
Cody Liska, host of the Anchorage Musem's Chatter Marks podcast, sits down with Alaska skate and snowboard legends Jason Borgstede, Jesse Burtner, Micah Hollinger and Andre Spinelli.
Learn how various industries are projected to fare in the coming year and how factors like population, employment and inflation contribute to the forecast.
After a relatively short time in the Anchorage music scene, Turbo Hell unleashed a self-titled album of psychedelic garage rock that would be at home in any dive bar.
The quartet of diverse guitarists stopped by the studio ahead of their North American tour to chat and give an in-studio performance.
Through a new Anchorage Museum fellowship, Drew Michael aims to give other artists an opportunity to focus on their craft without worrying about day to day logistics.
Hear the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce's annual report and get an update from the Alliance to Activate Anchorage.
Ken Post tells us about his long career in the Forrest Service, creating "loveable losers" and the role nature plays in his stories.