Peter Host
CFRE, Director of DevelopmentPeter works alongside the rest of our fantastic Development and Marketing team to expand and improve community engagement and revenue streams. He is very grateful for the opportunity to assist, in whatever way possible, in connecting caring Alaskans with Alaska Public Media’s mission, and helping our state stay informed and grounded in community.
Peter served for six years as the Director of Wasilla Behavioral Health Services, and three years as the Development Director at Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. He has done volunteer work and Board service for the Mat-Su Agency Partnership, Anchorage Waldorf Board of Trustees, R.O.C.K. Mat-Su, and as Elections Chairperson for District 17-420. He currently serves on the Winterberry Charter Council as Vice President, and has been in a Board leadership position for the Alaska Association of Fundraising Professionals for five years, and is now the incoming President of the chapter. He believes that lacking great skill and expertise does not excuse him from the responsibility of service above self, and that humility, dedication and great curiosity have been his most helpful tools in supporting his community to the best of his ability.
Peter is an avid consumer of books and suggests the novels The Goldfinch, The Fifth Season, and The Kingkiller Chronicles. For podcasts, he suggests How To Save a Planet, Where Should We Begin with Esther Perel, Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History, and of course the NPR classic, This American Life.
Peter is the father of two bright, funny, thoughtful, and caring girls, Sophia (13) and Violet (9), and is married to a vivacious ball of love and humor named Alicia, considering himself one of the luckiest men currently walking this earth.
phost (at) alaskapublic (dot) org