Outdoor Explorer
Outdoor Explorer invites listeners to step outside into Alaska. Discover a new trail or fishing hole, learn what to pack, when to go, and most importantly how to stay safe. Learn about life-long fitness and get inspired to go outside in the backcountry from the people who know the land best – outdoor guides, park rangers, coaches, authors, artists, lodge owners, bush pilots, educators and you, the explorer.
Contact us: outdoorexplorer@alaskapublic.org
Listen to Outdoor Explorer on KSKA FM 91.1 in Anchorage, AK.
Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Ways To Subscribe
Host Adam Verrier and Mahaffey discuss the early years of the Alaska Methodist University Ski Team and the construction of the APU ski trail system in the U-Med district in Anchorage.
Host Paul Twardock visited the summit and heard volunteers and veterans tell stories of their experiences, including operating a nuclear weapons site in the brutal wind and cold of the Chugach Mountains.
Lisa Roderick spent 22 years managing Denali Basecamp on the Kahiltna Glacier, acting as flight control for glacier pilots, weather reporter, first responder, and more. Her position gave her great insights into mountain aviation and mountaineering.
Find out why stepping outside might be the best thing you can do for a dose of inspiration for your next creative project.
Author David Scheel discusses his memoir on his life with Octopuses, "Many Things Under a Rock."
Lael Wilcox is an ultra-endurance bike rider and racer. Her many accomplishments include records on routes around the world, including the women’s Guinness Around the World record.
We check in with some of Southcentral’s riders to hear what they love about hitting the trails and how to stay safe all winter long. We also hear from the head of the Iron Dog competition, an extreme snowmachine race.
Discover what’s happening on their historic farm, how they’re using the outdoors as education for students off all ages and what the kids think of Field School.
Host Paul Twardock visits the Center and talks to staff and volunteers about its history, facilities, trails and programs.
Emily Halnon recently wrote a book about how running helped her grieve the loss of her mother.