Hometown Alaska: Tiny museum in Chugiak honors Lithuania’s fierce independence

Svaja Worthington was only five years old in 1944 when her family walked away from their Lithuanian home in the face of Russian brutality....

Hometown Alaska: What’s new 7 years after voters said yes to legal marijuana

So, here’s one new thing: This fall, UAA, our hometown university campus, is offering its first marijuana information class, open to students and community...
Alaska Quilt

Hometown Alaska: Meet the Log Cabin Quilters and find out what they do with all the quilts they create

With winter coming on, maybe you need a cozy, creative activity you can do with friends that adds up to something beautiful? Today's Hometown...
Man taking picture of himself with the "Visitor Information Center"

Hometown Alaska: Alaskan Footprints food tours and Anchorage Independent Worker Alliance

This week on Hometown Alaska host Justin Williams is joined by two local entrepreneurs who are dedicated to changing the business landscape. We have the owner of Alaskan Footprints, “Sourdough” Dan Morris offering humor and treats in his food tours and we have the founder of Anchorage Independent Worker Alliance, Atlas Katari, committed to helping develop like minded entrepreneurs.

Hometown Alaska: The Alaska Beer Broads

Alaska Beer Broads is an all-female, Alaska-based group consisting of beer enthusiasts from all over the state who connect and meet up at beer events to support local businesses and talk beer. D’Lany Nichols is their creator, and between podcasting, event coordination, taste tasting and leading the group, she always has her toes dipped into the local scene, expanding her expertise and celebrating the established culture.

Hometown Alaska: Telling Alaska’s story

This week Hometown Alaska hosts three writers telling significant parts of Alaska’s story. We're joined by Alaska's writer laureate Heather Lende and authors Leigh Newman and Laureli Ivanoff.

Hometown Alaska: Staying active in recovery as winter approaches

This week on Hometown Alaska Tiffany Hall, executive director of Recover Alaska, and Dr. Vivian Gonzales, professor of psychology at UAA, join host Justin Williams to discuss the realities of Alaskan sobriety, and what it looks like to face recovery in the harsher months of the cold, dark winter.

Hometown Alaska: Answering your questions about this year’s election

With Election Day coming up fast on November 8 and early voting already underway, we want to answer any of your last minute questions about this year's election. Gail Fenumiai, the state's head of the Division of Elections will be able to answer any of your questions about ranked choice voting, ballot security, when and where to vote, and more. Jeannette Lee, a researcher with the nonpartisan think tank Sightline Institute, can field questions about voter strategy and things to consider when voting.

Hometown Alaska: Touring the Alaska Museum of Science and Nature

Mountain View is known for its diverse community and neighborhood values. It is not just the people that make the community what it is, but the institutions they run, many of whom have been around for a significant amount of time: Clark Middle School, Hula Hands, the Boys & Girls Club, the Red Apple, etc. One less-spoken-of institution that has been a gem in Mountain View is the Alaska Museum of Science and Nature. This week on Hometown Alaska host Justin Williams steps inside and takes a tour to see what it's all about.

Hometown Alaska: Making housing accessible to everyone

Alaska’s statewide affordable housing crisis has many causes and many solutions. This week on hometown Alaska hear from housing experts who are working to make housing accessible for everyone and from one new homeowner who helps use understand why it matters so much.
“Shin-chi’s Canoe” by Nicola Campbell, “Not My Girl” and “When I Was Eight” both by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, and “My Name is SEEPEETZA” by Shirley Sterling will be available in fourth grade classrooms and elementary school libraries. (KTOO file photo)

Hometown Alaska: Alaska Center for the Book is working to increase awareness of Native authors

Alaska Native authors have written hundreds of books ranging from children’s stories to novels to memoirs and history books. Have you read any? Do you want to? This week on Hometown Alaska we’re exploring a new project created by the Alaska Center for the Book focusing on increasing awareness and readership of Alaska Native authors and talking about why sharing these works is so important.

Hometown Alaska: Playing with sound at the Anchorage Museum’s Pass the Mic exhibit

We experience sound in different ways every day. But how often do we get to play with sound? The Anchorage Museum's new exhibit Pass the Mic is encouraging its visitors to do just that. On this episode of Hometown Alaska we’ll uncover how the Pass the Mic exhibit was created and take you on a tour of sound exploration.

Hometown Alaska: Discussing death and dying

Death is inevitable, yet it can still be very hard to talk about and to plan for. Facing death can be both emotionally and logistically challenging. On this episode of Hometown, Alaska we’re exploring death with a group of practitioners who have made it a centerpiece of their lives. The discussion includes preparing for death, grief, and end-of-life rituals.
A panel of people wearing business clothes.

Hometown Alaska: Discussing the Anchorage School District Budget

The Anchorage School Board needs to pass a balanced budget by March 1. With nearly flat funding from the state, the district is facing a $48 million dollar shortfall. That could mean cutting jobs, increasing the student to teacher ratio, and closing an elementary school. But the budget process isn’t over yet. On this episode of Hometown, Alaska we’re talking about the school district budget, how it’s determined, how the school board works and more.

Hometown Alaska: Behind the scenes at the Fur Rondy Melodrama

Fur Rondy is upon us again and the Anchorage festival will have plenty of events for Alaskans to choose from. One of the longstanding traditions of the celebration is the Fur Rondy Melodrama. On this week's Hometown Alaska we'll take a look behind the scenes of this year's performance and what it means to be melodramatic.

Hometown Alaska: 907 Pro Wrestling Academy

There’s only one place you will find JT West on Monday nights—in the ring. Or, more specifically, in a warehouse, turned pro wrestling gym that represents two decades worth of dreams. Once a pro himself, the Arkansas-born West fell in love with the flamboyant sport as a child. But he wasn’t alone. Pro wrestling, the perfect anecdote to the blue-collar lifestyle of its fan base, exploded in popularity in the 70s. 50 years later, the 907 Pro Wrestling Academy emerged in Alaska and amid bruises and broken bones, the school is changing lives for the better.
a seal of the municipality of Anchorage

Hometown Alaska: How Anchorage city government works

Anchorage's Assembly and Mayor make decisions that affect your everyday life, from how much you pay in taxes to when your streets might be plowed. Their decisions influence what services are available, where developments happen, and how the city's money is spent. On this episode of Hometown, Alaska we'll learn more about how the city government works and how you can affect it. We'll also go on an audio tour of the Anchorage Election Center to learn about what happens to your ballot after you send it back in.

Hometown Alaska: Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage

This week on Hometown Alaska we're joined by Erin Baldwin Day, lead organizer of Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage, to find out about the grassroots, community-minded organization filling gaps other groups cannot meet.

Hometown Alaska: Sake Week

This week on Hometown Alaska we'll learn how to drink, pair, and even cook with sake as part of sake week: a six day event taking place in Anchorage and Girdwood.

Hometown Alaska: LGBT rights and the world of drag

Nationally, a record number of bills that attack LGBT rights, especially those of transgender youth, have been making their way through state legislatures nationwide. According to the ACLU, there are currently over 400 proposed bills that cover everything from limiting preferred pronouns to banning drag performances. Drag queens have become a lightning rod for the justification of much of the proposed anti-LGBT legislation. Both locally and nationally, drag performers are working to demystify the art form and set the record straight.