The Trump administration’s freeze on funds that support infrastructure, food supplies, renewable energy and a host of other needed services across the state has created confusion and anxiety for community nonprofits and local governments. Will most funds be released in time for summer construction season or will programs be cut entirely? We discuss what is known, and what has service-providers concerned, about the ongoing freezes on federal funds, on this Talk of Alaska.
How uncertain federal money is affecting nonprofits and local governments | Talk of Alaska
We discuss what is known, and what has service-providers concerned, about the ongoing freezes on federal funds, on this Talk of Alaska.

HOST: Lori Townsend
- Laurie Wolf - President & CEO, Foraker Group
- Nils Andreassen - Executive Director, Alaska Municipal League
- Crisis, chaos, and confusion – what nonprofits are telling us about the impact on their work from federal funding cuts, freezes, and retrenchment | Foraker Group
- Union expects at least 1,378 Alaska federal employees in probationary status to be fired
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