No matter their political leanings, a majority of Americans agree that divisiveness is a major problem impacting our ability to deal with the pandemic and serious challenges facing our country. There is hope: A majority of Americans also say they are optimistic that our country can overcome political divisiveness in the years ahead. At a moment like this, aren’t we called to try to find a better way forward — together?
One Small Step is an effort to reconnect Americans, one conversation at a time.
Alaska Public Media One Small Step Community Listening Event
Take One Small Step, Highlights from Communities Crossing Divides

More than 1,000 people across the country have already participated.

Since 2003, the non-profit public service organization StoryCorps has perfected a method for helping people feel more connected and less alone, for increasing hope and reminding us of the inherent worth of every life and every story. More than half a million Americans have participated in StoryCorps interviews to date, making it the largest single collection of human voices ever gathered. Interview recordings are preserved for history at the American Folklife Center at the U.S. Library of Congress.
StoryCorps’ One Small Step is made possible in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.