Katie Anastas, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Katie Anastas, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Anchorage School District proposes moving all sixth grade students to middle schools

Administrators say it would help the district use middle school buildings more efficiently.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A Fairbanks company wants to build the two largest windfarms in Alaska. Also, a totem pole returns to the Haida village of Kasaan after more than 100 years. And a trip into a Petersburg artist's studio ahead of her upcoming solo show.
Unalaska's runway taken from the mountain above, with water on either side

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, November 14, 2022

Alaska State Troopers say they've seized a record amount of illegal drugs this year. Also, Unalaska residents continue to wait for a cleanup of contaminated lands. And Alaska Native veterans visit a new memorial in Washington, D.C.
a woman in a white sweater

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, November 11, 2022

Congressional candidates Kelly Tshibaka and Sarah Palin cast doubt on Alaska's election. Also, Fairbanks launches a new court for veterans. And how a combat vet turned to writing to help his PTSD.
A teacher in a gray sweater leans over to assist a student wearing a black shirt in an elementary school classroom.

Anchorage school communities grapple with potential closures

Birchwood ABC is one of Anchorage School District's top performing schools, but it's also one of six schools the district may close due to a budget deficit.

Most Alaska students are not proficient in reading and math, state test scores show

Seventy percent of third through ninth graders were not proficient in English, while 77% were not proficient in math.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, November 10, 2022

Alaska lawmakers start thinking about who will be in the majority in each chamber. Also, a jury finds Alaska ski legend Dean Cummings not guilty of murder. And parents push back against potential school closures in Anchorage.
Mike Dunleavy and Nancy Dahlstrom

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Gov. Mike Dunleavy is likely to win a second term. Also, federal infrastructure money could make a long-planned seaplane project a reality in Sitka. And scientists study inbreeding among wolves on Prince of Wales Island.
A group of people in a room, checking names on papers

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Alaska voters head to the polls. Also, Yakutat’s village corporation and shareholders disagree over logging. And Petersburg residents and scientists deal with the aftermath of a landslide.
A woman in a jacket leaving a flyer on a door.

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, November 7, 2022

How first-time legislative candidates have approached their campaigns. Also, an Anchorage pastor encourages his congregation to vote. And a little bird born in Alaska recently flew all the way to Tasmania.
Former Alaska Gov. Bill Sheffield in 2015

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, November 4, 2022

Political observers wonder if a coalition might take control of the Alaska Senate. Also, how statewide elections could impact Alaska's response to climate change. And a program in Homer brings violin lessons to students in nearby Anchor Point.
A ochre and white concrete building in a greay cloudy day

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, November 3, 2022

Political observers wonder if a coalition might take control of the Alaska Senate. Also, how statewide elections could impact Alaska's response to climate change. And a program in Homer brings violin lessons to students in nearby Anchor Point.
man makes sure engines good

Anchorage School Board approves ‘long overdue’ contract with bus drivers union

The new contract increases hourly pay and gives drivers more opportunities to pick up extra work.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Anchorage Police Department and its officers' union are likely headed to arbitration over body-worn cameras. Election officials are struggling to hire poll workers in some parts of rural Alaska. And efforts to increase voter turnout among Alaska Native communities.
Young students sit behind desks in an elementary school classroom.

Anchorage School District administrators propose cuts to immersion programs and IGNITE

In a presentation to the school board Tuesday, administrators proposed leasing school buildings to charter schools, moving the district-wide gifted program online and ending all high school language immersion programs at the end of this school year.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, November 1, 2022

What U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka says about the 2020 election. Also, how the state's election workers are dealing with skepticism from voters. And a nursing program in Bethel trains students to work in their communities.
Two women and two men stand at podiums

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, October 31, 2022

Frequent texts from political campaigns are irritating some Alaska voters. Also, homeless service providers in Fairbanks say more and more people are coming from Anchorage. And a pet snake escapes a Dillingham classroom...twice.
Closest to the camera is a woman in a red blazer, in the middle is a woman in a green suit and furthest from the camera a woman in a black suit. All three stand behind podiums while listening to a question during a political debate.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, October 28, 2022

U.S. Senate candidates debate campaign funding and abortion rights. Also, Ketchikan residents move one step closer to accessing rural subsistence status. And for the first time since the late 1800s, students in Angoon build a canoe.

In this Alaska House race in East Anchorage, education funding issues hit close to home

The race between Democrat Donna Mears and Republican Forrest Wolfe is one of several close races that could impact the future of education funding in the state.