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Hear Me Now

Hear Me Now

Providence Health and Services Alaska and Alaska Public Media are engaged in Hear Me Now, a partnership between the Providence Institute for Human Caring and StoryCorps to record interviews with patients, families and caregivers.

Storytelling and listening have proven clinical value. They also are keys to whole person care, which addresses emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial comfort, as well as medical needs of patients and the people who care for them.
  • A mother talks to Providence Foundation philanthropy officer Mary Sullivan about how Alaska CARES helped her son and family following revelations of his being sexually abused. Now an advocate for Alaska CARES, which helps children after the trauma of abuse, she shares their story to let others know that hope and healing are possible.Thanks for listening!
  • Born in Congo, Agnes Twishime arrived at a refugee camp in Uganda when she was just three. Now with laundry services at Providence Alaska Medical Center, Agnes shares with Mission Services Director Kathleen Hollis, her experience as a child refugee and desire to help care for the vulnerable and those in need.Thanks for listening!
  • Fredrick Katelnikoff, a security officer at Providence Health & Services Kodiak, shares with Father Innocent Philo, the experience of being a former Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) and the lessons that now guide him personally and professionally.Thanks for listening!
  • Willy and Adrianne Shelton talk about their son Joel, his twin Nathan and their younger brother, and how Joel’s leukemia diagnosis and treatment has impacted their family, faith and relationships.LISTEN HERE
  • Friends Ginny Shaffer and Lisa Solomonson recall the passing of Ginny's infant son, Bryson, twelve years ago. At the time, Lisa was a nurse who cared for Bryson and his twin sister, Holland. Both were born with heart defects. Ginny and Lisa reflect on the experience of caring for Bryson and Holland through this difficult time. Ginny and Lisa bonded during the care of Bryson and Holland through this difficult time.LISTEN HERE
  • Arleta Lefler talks to her supervisor, Theresa Gleason, about how faith informs her work as a nurse. For Arleta, nursing is a "God calling." She recalls memorable moments of interacting with patients from throughout her career.LISTEN HERE
  • Asia Harmeling and Ralph Pasana talk about why they chose nursing. Ralph shares the memory when, as a teen one day, he wanted to spend time with friends rather than care for his grandmother and how that episode influences his work as a nurse today. LISTEN HERE
  • Bryant Skinner talks to colleague, Sara Lovell, about his work with Alaska CARES, a children’s advocacy center. During therapy, one young girl’s drawings affirm his belief that there is hope for healing. Patient permission was granted to share this story.LISTEN HERE