Washington, D.C.

A man in a reflective vest picks uses a trash picker around tarps, tents and needles.

The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public places

The decision is a win for Western cities that wanted more powers to manage record homelessness. But advocates say it won't solve the larger problem.
a debate

4 takeaways from the first presidential debate

President Biden's early stumbles played into his biggest vulnerability, but how much will the first 2024 general election debate make an impact?
a home

As millions struggle with home prices, housing becomes a top issue for voters

Across the country, including in swing states, people have been priced out of buying homes. Record numbers are finding rent unaffordable.

Relief applications open for Alaska’s 2019 and 2020 crab fisheries disasters

Years after two crab fisheries disasters occurred in the Norton Sound and Bering Sea, millions in relief funds are finally available to affected fishers.
The community of Ambler along the Kobuk river as seen from the air

Sullivan amendment to defense bill would revive Ambler Road

The Biden administration nixed a proposal to build a road to the Ambler mining district. Sen. Sullivan wants to override that decision.
the Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court may consider Alaska’s ‘dark money’ disclosure rules

Under Alaska law, donors are required to disclose the “true source” of large contributions from nonprofits to local candidates.
a desk

Alaska faces consequences as federal education funding equity dispute continues

State officials offered the feds a $300,000 compromise instead of $17 million adjustment.
a voter in a polling booth

Want to run for president in Alaska? You’ll need a few thousand friends.

Supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have turned in more than 5,900 signatures, hoping to get the independent presidential candidate on this fall’s ballot.
A sign in a grassy field reads "Vote here today."

Justice Department says Alaska is discriminating against voters with disabilities

Muddy parking lots, ramps that don't meet the ground, inoperable voting machines — and that's in the cities, Justice Department says.
a phone

‘An unfair fight’: The U.S. surgeon general declares war on social media

Vivek Murthy called this week for social media platforms to carry warning labels like those put on cigarettes and alcohol, due to their effects on teens.
an icebreaker

Coast Guard icebreaker Healy headed to Alaska for 3 Arctic research missions

This year's cruises by the nation's biggest icebreaker will support long-term ocean research and help train young scientists.
a woman talks into a microphone at a podium on stage

Coalition of labor and Alaska Native leaders throws its weight behind Peltola

Alaska Jobs Coalition announced a $500,000 ad campaign. It's an independent expenditure group and doesn't have to disclose its donors.
former President Donald Trump claps his hands as a crowd around him cheers and holds their cellphones up

Trump announces his pick in Alaska’s U.S. House race: Dahlstrom

The former president chose Alaska's lieutenant governor over fellow Republican Nick Begich. Trump claims Begich has "Democrat tendencies."

Federally funded heat pumps are coming to Prince of Wales Island

Spruce Root partnered with Alaska Power & Telephone to secure the $2.5 million award, which will also support a technician training program.
a building

Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era federal ban on bump stocks

The Supreme Court has struck down the Trump administration's federal ban on bump stocks, declaring that the government exceeded its authority.
Night photo featuring domed capitol.

Murkowski votes with Democrats on IVF bill. Sullivan joins most GOP senators to block it.

Alaska's senators say they support the reproductive technology, but they split on a Democratic "show us who you are" vote.
set netters

Feds declare economic disaster for 2023 east Cook Inlet set net season

The declaration releases federal relief funds for affected fishers and related businesses. It follows one this spring for the 2021 and 2022 seasons.

Supreme Court rejects challenge to FDA’s approval of mifepristone

The court said that the challengers had no right to be in court at all since they could not show they had suffered any actual injury from the FDA rules.

2 men tried to illegally smuggle snowmachines from U.S. to Russia, feds say

Prosecutors say Sergey Nefedov and Mark Shumovich tried to evade U.S. export controls on snowmachines during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
a man

A petition to put king salmon on the endangered species list is raising alarm across Alaska

People across Alaska are reacting to a petition that would grant Gulf of Alaska king salmon Endangered Species Act protections.
Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden found guilty of felony gun charges

The president's son also faces tax charges in a separate prosecution scheduled to go to trial in September.
a D-Day remembrance

Biden commemorates D-Day invasion’s 80th anniversary, linking it to Ukraine conflict

President Biden said the historic invasion is a reminder of the costs of freedom and democracy — and the value of alliances.
a portrait of a woman

Murkowski votes to advance Democrats’ ‘messaging’ bill on contraception rights

Only two Republicans crossed the aisle. Sen. Dan Sullivan didn't vote on the birth control bill, which is now stalled.
a woman in the u.s. capitol

At Senate hearing, Murkowski reaffirms support for abortion rights

Alaska's senior senator doesn't always vote as abortion advocates would like. Democrats are raising the issue as an election strategy.

Biden’s new executive order denies asylum claims to most migrants crossing the border unlawfully

President Biden's new measure will go into effect if more than 2,500 migrants cross illegally per day.

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