Zakiya McCummings
The calls for respect and equality are not new, but what should the next steps be to create real change? What does it take to reform police departments and address public safety in a way that all citizens can trust?
This time of year, In the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, communities along the Parks highway are usually teeming with tourists looking to camp in scenic…
Coverage of the growing problem of teenage vaping has, for the most part, been focused on high school students. But according to the American Journal of Public Health, about 29% of lifetime smokers are first introduced to nicotine products between age 12 and 14.
First detected in December in Wuhan, China, the novel coronavirus has infected thousands of people in China and has spread to other countries in just a…
Across the country, states, including Alaska have difficulty keeping good teachers, principals and superintendents in their positions. Especially in…
When cases involving sexual assault or domestic violence go to court, thorough documentation of a victim’s personal account and physical injuries can mean…
When you picture a carpenter, a man likely comes to mind. But women are increasingly attracted to the field’s high wages and the opportunity to work with…
Governor Mike Dunleavy released his budget proposal in mid-December, and it looks starkly different from the fiscal plan he put forward last year. Rather…
The word 'lobbyist' is often paired with 'fat-cat'. But here in Alaska, it's not just the paid lobbyists who fly to Juneau to try to influence lawmakers.…
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