Ashlyn O'Hara
Those recent federal orders come from President Donald Trump, who’s put diversity, equity and inclusion policies squarely in his crosshairs.
It isn’t the first time the U.S. has announced project progress through an agreement with another country.
Most of the money is coming from the east side setnet fishery’s 2018 season and the 2020 Upper Cook Inlet salmon fishery season.
If it’s built, the full pipeline project would move natural gas from the North Slope to Nikiski, where it'd be prepared for shipment overseas.
The independent power producer behind some of Alaska’s biggest solar farms is planning its largest plant yet in Nikiski.
Jason Woodruff, 42, and Joseph Miller Jr., 49, were initially charged with misdemeanor assault in Benjamin Tikka's May arrest.
No one was injured in the fire, which happened Sunday after a wood stove chimney failed.
Troopers say the cause of the fatal fire, early on Oct. 2 near Island Lake, hasn't yet been determined.
Steve Wells' attorney says federal prosecutors could not prove his client was acquiring new inventory at the same time he was selling off the guns left at his store.
The decision sends the city back to the drawing board in its efforts to bring more residents into Soldotna’s boundaries.