It's not a number to celebrate, but the consistently high rates of domestic violence and sexual assault in Alaska need discussion and attention. Why does Alaska stay at or near the top in the nation for these terrible statistics? What's being done to combat family violence, and how can everyone help address it?
(Note: Due to technical difficulties, Talk of Alaska was interrupted by static. The audio file here is an abridged version of what ran live. It has been edited to take out the interruption, but has not been edited for content.)
HOST: Lori Townsend
- Abused Women’s Aid In Crisis (AWAIC) staff
- Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) staff
- Statewide callers
- Call 550-8422 (Anchorage) or 1-800-478-8255 (statewide) during the live broadcast
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LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.
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