More than two dozen murders have taken place in Anchorage since the beginning of the year. APD reports that of the 15 homicides since June, six were engaged in drugs or other criminal activity. Four were domestic violence killings. Five were in isolated areas of the city in the late evening/early morning hours, prompting APD to caution citizens to “Be extra aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious person or activity to police.” The long message also says, “If you plan to be out late at night, make sure you travel with several friends and not alone.”
HOST: Lori Townsend
- APD Chief Chris Tolley - in studio
- APD Head of homicide-Sergeant Slav Markiewicz - in studio
- Mayor Ethan Berkowitz- in studio
- Statewide callers
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LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.
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