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Giving Stock

If you wish to support Alaska Public Media, and you hold stock as part of your financial portfolio, a gift of that stock could be a great option for you. Giving stock which has been held more than 12 months may offer you considerable tax advantages. You may avoid paying capital-gains tax on the increase of your stock and receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift.

Brokers and financial institutions do not automatically share donors’ personal info, so if you intend to donate stock, please inform us of the details ahead of time at If you provide your name, email, stock to be donated, and approximate date of donation, we can be sure to credit the correct account.

Stockbrokers require delivery instructions in writing. To make a gift to Alaska Public Media, you will need the following information:

Alaska Public Media
3877 University Drive
Anchorage AK 99508
Tax ID Number: 23-7394629

Financial Institution:
Alaska Public Media Broker: Merrill Lynch
Frontier Building
3601 C Street, Floor 14
Anchorage AK 99503
Alaska Public Media tax ID number: 23-7394629
CTC/DTC #: 8862
Acct #: 315-04373

Please consult with your tax adviser to determine how, specifically, the charitable deduction will work for your unique tax situation. For further information call Peter Host, Development Director, at 907-550-8458 or email