The musical "Come From Away" tells the true story of a small community in Newfoundland who took in 7,000 strangers whose planes were grounded after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The story of humanity and compassion in the face of tragedy inspired a partnership to celebrate our state's own neighbors of circumstance. As part of their community engagement efforts, Broadway Alaska teamed up with Catholic Social Services (CSS) to share the stories of our local refugees and will be collecting winter gear to help support their families' transitions to the state.
"Come From Away" runs from November 29 through December 2 at the Atwood Concert Hall.
The winter gear collection will take place between November 29 through December 10, but CSS can take donations at any time. There will also be other ways to contribute displayed at all performances.
To find out more about the musical and the partnership between Broadway Alaska and Catholic Social Services we're joined by President & Chief Operating Officer of Alaska Center for the Performing Arts and General Manager of Broadway Alaska, Codie Costello, and State Refugee Coordinator for CSS, Issa Spatrisano.
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Broadway Alaska
"Come From Away" tickets
BroadwayBoundAK community engagement
Catholic Social Services Support Refugee Assistance Services
Catholic Social Services Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services