Every 10 years, Alaskans vote on whether or not to hold a constitutional convention. The state constitution has been amended many times, but Alaskans have always voted down a second convention in the past. This year there are active campaigns on both sides and on a special edition of Talk of Alaska, we’ll air a recent debate that was held in Anchorage on the pros and cons of reopening the entire constitution to potential change.
HOST: Lori Townsend
Pro Side - Bob Bird, Alaska Independence Party Chair and Loren Leman, former Lt Governor
Con Side - Matt Shuckerow, Fathom Strategic Communications and Joelle Hall, Alaska AFL-CIO President
Reporter Panel - Kavitha George, Alaska Public Media, Andrew Kitchenman, Alaska Beacon, and Tom Hewitt, Anchorage Daily News
NOTE This week’s program is a prerecording of a live debate held in the Wendy Williamson Auditorium. We will not be taking listener calls and emails during this show.
Alaska’s constitutional convention question, explained
What you need to know about the constitutional convention question
LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022 at 10 a.m. on Alaska public radio stations statewide.