In July 2015 the state Division of Public Health, in response to a dramatic rise in the number of people using, abusing and dying from heroin throughout the United States, released a report describing the health impacts of heroin use in Alaska. On today's show, Jennifer Stukey and Dr. Jay Caldwell with the Narcotic Drug Treatment Center in Anchorage and Dr. Jay Butler, director of the Division of Public Health will discuss heroin abuse and the public health consequences that ensue.
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HOST: Dr. Thad Woodard
- Jennifer Stukey, LPN, chief operations officer, Narcotic Drug Treatment Center, Inc.
- Dr. Jay Caldwell, medical director, Narcotic Drug Treatment Center, Inc.
- Dr. Jay Butler, chief medical officer, state Department of Heath and Social Services and director, state Division of Public Health
Narcotic Drug Treatment Center, Inc.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.
SAMHSA resource for risk and protective factors for initiating substance abuse (PDF)
National Institute on Drug Abuse factsheet for heroin
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LIVE BROADCAST: Monday, October 12, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. AKDT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Monday, October 12, 2015, at 8:00 p.m. AKDT
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