The Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority "KABATA" project connecting Anchorage to the Mat-Su Borough was established in 2003. At an Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Make-it-Monday Forum last week, chair of the KABATA board of directors, Michael Foster said construction on the bridge is expected to finally begin in 2014. Built to accommodate "tomorrow's traffic," the bridge should be fully operational by 2017 or 2018. Listen to Foster's complete update on the KABATA project on Addressing Alaskans.
- Knik Bridge Stuck in Slow Lane (24 April 2012)
- Hometown: Alaska – MacKenzie: Is it the Little Port that Could? (13 April 2012)
- House Approves Knik Arm Crossing Fund (11 April 2012)
- Six Groups Under Consideration for Designing, Managing of Knik Arm Bridge (22 Sept 2011)
- Anchorage Files Lawsuit Over Knik Bridge Project(8 July 2011)
BROADCAST ON KSKA: Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 2:00 p.m., repeating at 7:00 pm
RECORDED: Monday April 23, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
SPEAKER: Michael Foster, Chair, KABATA Board of Directors
HOST: Anchorage Chamber of Commerce
EVENT: Make-it-Monday Forum
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