The warming Arctic doesn’t just affect the northern regions of the globe. Its impacts can be felt all across the world. On Addressing Alaskans we present “After the Arctic Ice Melts” with Chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission, Fran Ulmer. Thanks for listening!
https://youtu.be/xXuh_0u4leYScientists with the U.S. Geological Survey are using new video collars to get a glimpse into the daily life of polar bears. Researchers have been using radio and GPS collars since the 1980s to track polar bears' movements along the Arctic sea ice. But, that data lacks a lot of contextual and observational information that allows for a better understanding of the bears.Download Audio
The federal government is seeking a six-month delay for deciding whether two seals that depend on sea ice should be listed as a threatened species because of climate warming.
A federal judge is upholding a decision by government scientists that global warming is threatening the polar bear's survival.
Judge Orders Joe Miller to Pay Legal Fees from Election Challenge, U.S. House Rejects Cutting Funding to Offensive in Libya, Residents Return to Unalaska and Dutch Harbor After Tsunami Warning, Coast Guard Trains for More Arctic Traffic, and more...
As the arctic sea ice pulls back and more shipping, research and other vessels ply the opened-up waters, the U.S. Coast Guard is trying to beef up its arctic presence.