Madelyn Beck
Hydaburg is going hydro. After more than a decade of planning, the Prince of Wales town has secured a loan that will enable them to build a 5-megawatt hydroelectric facility averaging an approximate 19.3 million kilowatts annually. We sent a reporter to Hydaburg to find out more.
Local garbage bandits have been making their bi-yearly rounds in Ketchikan, leaving messes in their wake. There are grizzly bears. And brown bears. And black bears. And there are garbage bears.Download Audio
The Alaska Legislature has cut funding for every branch of state government, including the Department of Law, which oversees District Attorney offices throughout the state. This means Ketchikan’s D.A.s are taking on a larger workload as they wait to have a vacant position filled.
When someone gets arrested, often the first thing they’ll want to do is make a call. If it’s to a lawyer or legal aid, no problem. However, if it’s to friends, family or an employer, it’s more complicated. Download Audio
Ketchikan’s newest totem pole arrived with a massive crowd Saturday in front of the Vigor shipyard. It’s the first totem pole raised in about two years, and tribal and non-tribal community members alike cheered as it came through the crowd.Download Audio
A June 25th deadly plane crash in Ketchikan remains under investigation; something the National Transportation Safety Board says could take as long as a year and a half. However, just cleaning up the wreckage is also taking a while, begging the question, who’s responsible for it?