Girl Scouts of Alaska
00000193-6344-d71b-a7fb-ebdf93fe0000There's no question, camp is fun. But, for girls who attend Girl Scout camp in Alaska, there's also important work happening – the work of character development.
00000193-6344-d71b-a7fb-ebdf90430000Girl Scout Cookie sales have begun in Alaska. New this year are the cookie boxes, redesigned for the first time since 1999 to highlight the leadership and life skills girls learn by selling cookies.In Alaska, more than 3,000 girls sell cookies and learn important lessons about setting goals, making decisions, managing money, people skills, and business ethics.Read more.
00000193-6344-d71b-a7fb-ebdf8d050000For the second year in a row, a Girl Scout troop in Naknek received the honor of “top-selling troop” for Girl Scouts of Alaska’s nut and candy sale. The troop is trying to raise enough money to attend a Girl Scout camp in the Mat-Su Valley.Read more.
00000192-9ca2-dda9-a1f3-defbae5d0000This is my second week on the job as Girl Scouts of Alaska’s new Chief Executive Officer. Right now, I’m making arrangements to visit many of the communities Girl Scouts of Alaska serves.In the meantime, I thought I’d share with you a little bit about myself and why I wanted to serve with Girl Scouts of Alaska.Read more.
00000193-6344-d71b-a7fb-ebdf836b0000Girl Scout Connor Ito has been planning her summer vacation for years now. In July, Ito is joining six other young women on a trip to Japan through the Alaska Girl Scouts. The journey is the second part of an exchange arranged with a group of Japanese Girl Scouts who came to Alaska last summer.Read more.
00000193-6344-d71b-a7fb-ebdf7f130000On February 4, the University of Alaska Anchorage campus was swarming with more than 800 Girl Scouts attending the 20th annual Women of Science and Technology Day.It's not surprising why this event draws such a crowd. What kid wouldn't love dissecting moose poop, playing with magnets, meeting a Great Horned owl, designing a mini roller-coaster, or drilling a hole in a tooth?Read more.