Davis Hovey
The 2021 Iron Dog will start in two weeks, but with an adjusted route and new COVID-19 precautions.
Some survivors think law enforcement doesn’t prioritize these kinds of crimes, especially when the victims are Alaska Native.
As of Nov. 3, sea ice in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in is the lowest on record for the last five years, even with tiny bits of ice starting to form in Norton Bay and the Kotzebue Sound.
The report comes after two weeks without a case in the Norton Sound community.
A VPSO is patrolling the community to limit contact between residents.
Nome recorded 1.27 inches of rain on Sept. 14
The trash included butane and penetrating oil.
According to the regional health corporation, his newest patient was tested as a close contact of the individual in Savoonga who was confirmed as a positive case on Sunday.
As cod populations have surged in the area, it appears that so far, they aren't staying there the whole winter.
This latest case is a resident of Unalakleet unlike the first one which was identified as a non-resident of the community over the weekend.