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Charles Wohlforth

  • KSKA: Wednesday, May 03 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. For a region with a relatively small population, south central Alaska has a lot of electric utilities and power plants, and that costs you extra money on your bills. On the Next Hometown Alaska, we'll host the heads of our Anchorage power utilities and a business leader to learn about rising power costs and new efforts to fix the problem.LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Wednesday April 26 @ 2pm and 8pm. Strangely, the coming of spring and return of light in Alaska doesn't clear the darkness for some people. Suicide statistics get worse this time of year. On the next Hometown Alaska, we'll meet Alaskans who are trying to lift that darkness, and to help the rest learn to protect our friends and loved ones from the terrible mistake of suicide. LISTEN HERE
  • KSKA: Wednesday, March 22 @ 2 pm and 8 pm. Transportation helps make the city. On the next Hometown Alaska, we'll dream about how we could make our transportation system better to make a better Anchorage. Our guests will include a visiting transportation guru bringing new ideas, and a local transportation leader who knows our own situation. LISTEN NOW
  • Wednesday, March 08, at 2 and 8p.m. The state budget crisis is hitting public schools, with the loss of 99 teachers expected in Anchorage next year, even if there are no further cuts from the Alaska Legislature. On the next show, we will look at the current situation and how it could change.LISTEN NOW
  • KSKA: Wednesday, March 1 at 2 pm and 8 p.m.Kathleen McCoy hosts two of the state's top economists, to examine the Alaska economy that's firmly in recession. Choices on the state budget deficit could make the recession worse or longer. The economists' work allows us to see how many jobs may be lost, how Alaska's population will change and what the new normal will look like.LISTEN NOW
  • KSKA: Thursday, Feb. 16, at 2:00 p.m. One of the biggest and best events of the Anchorage winter is a ski race that crosses the whole city, held the same weekend as the Iditarod start. It’s the Tour of Anchorage, and it’s coming up soon, with some of the nation’s best skiers and plenty of regular folks who just want to go the distance.LISTEN NOW
  • Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 2 and 8p.m. Anchorage health care costs are third highest in the nation. The only one's higher? Fairbanks and Juneau. We'll explore why medical costs are so high and growing so fast from the perspective of doctors. They are frustrated, too. We'll explore the causes they see and the solutions they'd be willing to try.LISTEN NOW
  • KSKA: Thursday, Feb. 9, at 2:00. Backcountry skiing comes in many varieties. On the next show, we’re looking at two extremes. On one end are the alpine daredevils who look for the hardest, steepest, most dangerous lines. On the other end are the touring skiers exploring our glorious mountain scenery by the most practical means available. These two ways of looking at skiing are for different personalities and different kinds of athletes with different goals, but Anchorage is prime for either option. LISTEN NOW
  • KSKA: Thursday, Jan. 05, at 2:00 p.m.Biking is year round now, including bike racing. It’s a phenomenon that started here in Alaska and now has spread over the world. Folks are fat bike racing all over the US and in Europe. On our next show, we’re checking in on competition in our region.LISTEN NOW
  • KSKA: Thursday, Dec. 22, at 2:00 p.m.The national parks and refuges we enjoy today as outdoors people weren’t always destined to be conserved for these purposes. After Alaska became a state, the map was open as to which lands would be owned by Alaska Natives, the state government, or private owners. On the next show, we’ll look back into history, to the 1970s, to find out how it happened, as some lovers of Alaska’s wild places sat down with maps and drew lines that became the largest single conservation action in world history, called ANILCA. LISTEN NOW