The Lower Kuskokwim School District has found temporary spaces to hold classes for both Ayaprun Elitnaurvik and the Kuskokwim Learning Academy students, the two schools housed in the Kilbuck building that was largely destroyed by Tuesday’s fire. The move will split both schools into different sites.
KLA students resume classes today, Thursday, Nov. 5, at Yuut Elitnaurviat, also known as The Peoples’ Learning Center. There will also be classes held at the UAF- Kuskokwim Campus.
KLA, as the school is commonly known, is an alternative school for students from throughout the Lower Kuskokwim School District. KLA boarding students are now being housed at the Yuut Yukon Dormitory.
Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yup’ik immersion students will resume school on Monday, Nov. 9. Those classes will be held at the LKSD district office for kindergarten through third grades. Grades four through six will be taught at the Gladys Jung Elementary. The district says it will send parents additional information about schedules and specific locations.
According to a press release from LKSD Superintendent Dan Walker, these arrangements are temporary until a long-term solution is announced for the second semester. Walker says he hopes they will announce a long-term plan in the next few weeks.