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13,000 Alaskans Enrolled With

About 13,000 Alaskans signed up for health insurance on during the open enrollment period that closed March 31st. The two insurers offering plans on the exchange in Alaska shared their enrollment figures today with APRN. Moda Health says it has about 7700 enrollees in Alaska and the company is still processing some additional sign ups.

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Premera Alaska enrolled 5300 people on the exchange. Before the troubled launch of, the company had hoped for more customers. But Premera spokesperson Melanie Coon is satisfied with the numbers:

"I think we readjusted our expectations. We're very pleased with how enrollment went, based on the slow start to the exchange and... the last minute changes that were made where people could extend."

Both companies are also reporting substantial enrollment off the federal exchange. 2000 Premera customers opted to enroll directly. And 700 people bypassed the federal website to sign up with Moda Health. The insurance plans are the same on and off the exchange. But subsidies are only available on the exchange.

This story is part of a partnership between APRN, NPR and Kaiser Health News.

Annie Feidt is the broadcast managing editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at