Upcoming storytelling event highlights educators | State of Art

Two women sit in a radio studio.
Sarah Cronick (left) and Marie Achemah have partnered their organizations to put on the storytelling event “Teacher Tales.” (Ammon Swenson/Alaska Public Media)

“Teacher Tales” is a storytelling event featuring educators sharing their stories in the style of The Moth and the Arctic Entries. Seven teachers will have seven-minutes to give a small peak into what is an often thankless job. This celebration of educators came from a collaboration between See Stories, a non-profit youth storytelling program, and Hearthkyn, a storytelling and mentoring project. The event takes place at the Bear Tooth Theater on Thursday, May 2, with Witty Youngman providing music. We’re joined by See Stories founder and director, Marie Acemah, and Hearthkyn founder, Sarah Cronick.

Teacher Tales tickets
See Stories website
Hearthkyn website

Ammon Swenson is Alaska Public Media’s Audio Media Content Producer. He was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. He graduated from UAA in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and integrated media. He’s previously worked for KRUA radio, the Anchorage Press, and The Northern Light.

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