Last of 4 defendants sentenced in 2016 murder of Palmer teen

Bradley Renfro, left, and defense attorney Chris Provost, look on as Palmer District Attorney Melissa Wininger-Howard cross examines a defense witness. (Patty Sullivan/Alaska Department of Law)

The last of four men charged with killing 16-year-old Palmer resident David Grunwald when they were teenagers has been sentenced. 

Bradley Renfro, now age 21, was sentenced on Wednesday to 105 years in prison, with 30 years suspended. His convictions include murder, kidnapping and arson.

Prosecutors say Renfro was one of four teenagers who lured Grunwald to a camper in 2016 and beat him with a heavy pistol. The four later drove Grunwald’s vehicle for a half-hour before walking into woods near the Knik River, where Grunwald was shot and killed, according to prosecutors. Prosecutors also say Renfro had offered places to murder Grunwald and he had brought gasoline to use to set fire to Grunwald’s vehicle, which was found burned miles away near the Talkeetna Mountains.

Department of Law officials say Renfro will be eligible for parole after 35 years.

The other three men sentenced in the murder of Grunwald are Erick Almandinger and Dominic Johnson, who were each sentenced to serve 99 years in prison. Austin Barrett pleaded guilty and received a 45-year sentence.

Correction: An earlier version of this story misspelled Erick Almandinger’s first name.

a portrait of a man outside

Wesley Early covers Anchorage life and city politics for Alaska Public Media. Reach him at and follow him on X at @wesley_early. Read more about Wesley here.

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