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Talk of Alaska: Why are fewer people staying in Alaska long term?

people walk downtown in rain
A couple walks across the street on a rainy Thursday afternoon at the corner of West 6th Avenue and F Street on Aug. 18, 2022. (Mizelle Mayo/Alaska Public Media)

Thousands of people move in and out of Alaska every year. But people who moved to Alaska in recent years are not staying as long as they used to. There are plenty of available jobs, so what are the factors that contribute to higher rates of outmigration and what might it indicate for Alaska’s future? Small business leaders, economists and researchers look at possible solutions to attract and keep people in our state.

HOST:  Lori Townsend


  • Jon Bittner, Executive Director, Small Business Development Center
  • Jeanette Lee, Senior Researcher & Alaska Lead, Sightline Institute
  • Dan Robinson, Research Chief, Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development


Alaska Economic Trends, August 2022


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LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022 at 10 a.m. on Alaska public radio stations statewide.

Adelyn Baxter