PFDs will start going out to Alaskans on Sept. 20, says governor’s office

People waitiing in line at a counter at the PFD office
Alaskans file their Permanent Fund dividend applications in downtown Anchorage in March 2016. (Rachel Waldholz/Alaska Public Media)

This year’s Alaska Permanent Fund dividends will start hitting bank accounts on Sept. 20, Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced on Friday.

Payments to those who submitted paper applications or requested paper checks are set to go out about two weeks later, starting the week of Oct. 3.

This year’s $3,200-per-person payout includes a $650 payment meant to offset high energy costs.

PFDs are scheduled to arrive a few weeks earlier than usual. Last year, PFDs went out in mid-October. The oil-wealth checks were expedited in 2020 and distributed July 1 because of the economic impact of the pandemic. In 2017, 2018 and 2019, the payments went out during the first few days of October.

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