Alaska News Nightly: Friday, April 2, 2021

A dozen dog teams line up for the mass start to the 2021 Kobuk 440 Sled Dog Race. (Photo by Berett Wilber, KOTZ – Kotzebue)

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Friday on Alaska News Nightly:

Tribes in Alaska face a good problem: how to best spend millions in COVID relief money. Volunteers pitching in to elect the next mayor of Anchorage talk about why they’re backing their chosen candidate. Plus, the Kobuk 440 sled dog race kicks of in Kotzebue.

Reports tonight from:

Liz Ruskin in Washington D.C.
Eric Stone in Ketchikan
Tim Ellis and Dan Bross in Fairbanks
Kavitha George and Lex Treinen in Anchorage and
Wesley Early in Kotzebue

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a portrait of a woman outside

Annie Feidt is the broadcast managing editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Anniehere

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