Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, April 2, 2019

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Lawsuit seeks to eliminate Medicaid application backlog

Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO – Juneau

The Alaska Division of Public Assistance director says the backlog has been shrinking recently, including a large decrease in the past month.

Seeking hidden ‘pockets of oil’, BP takes on a massive project at Prudhoe Bay

Elizabeth Harball, Alaska’s Energy Desk – Anchorage

The 3-D seismic survey is part of the effort to keep the oil field alive for decades to come.

Police: Man shot, killed after pointing BB gun at officers

Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media – Anchorage

This is the second officer-involved shooting in Anchorage so far this year.

UA President Johnsen recommends closing UAA College of Education, amid accreditation debacle

Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media – Anchorage

University of Alaska President Jim Johnsen recommends discontinuing the seven initial licensure programs for the University of Alaska Anchorage’s education department, effective September of this year.

Pre-K schools in Southeast Alaska wait for better budget news

Angela Denning, KFSK – Petersburg

Governor Mike Dunleavy’s proposed budget would cut $17 million in state funding for daycare and preschool programs: $8 million for preschools and $9 million for Head Start and other programs directed at low income families. As Angela Denning reports, that would affect 15 Head Start classrooms in Southeast and another main daycare facility in Petersburg.

In response to high case backlog, Juneau judge begins term 

Matt Miller, KTOO – Juneau

Juneau’s newest judge was welcomed to the bench on Friday. He occupies a new Superior Court seat created recently to deal with the increasing number of cases piling up at the Dimond Courthouse.

Ask A Climatologist: 2019 had warmest March on record in Alaska

Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media – Anchorage

If breakup seems a little earlier in Alaska this year, that’s because it is. And, last month will go down as the warmest March on record, statewide.

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