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Trump lauds ANWR passage; Young: 'We finally got it done'
Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media - Washington D.C.
For hours at a time, no one mentioned the refuge during the congressional debate over the tax bill. But at a White House celebration, ANWR got big props from the president.
Oil companies aren’t promising to drill in ANWR…so how interested are they?
Elizabeth Harball, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
Now, everything that was hypothetical is going to get real. One of the big questions that could finally get answered this: what oil companies, if any, are actually interested in drilling in the Refuge?
ACLU won't challenge Assembly's modified anti-camping measure
Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Earlier this month, the Anchorage Assembly voted on a measure designed to curb illegal camping in the city's parks and wooded areas. The move reduces the number of days people have to vacate a camp from 15 to ten. Today the American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska says it will not take the city to court over the move. At least not yet.
Anchorage firefighter wins nearly $780,000 in lawsuit against city
Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
The municipality of Anchorage has paid one of its firefighters more than three-quarters of a million dollars after his successful lawsuit against the fire department.
Walker budget proposes fix for spring ferry funding foul-up
Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau
Gov. Walker’s budget fills a gap that could have shut the ferry system down for much of the spring. It also provides nearly level funding for the next year.
Alaska’s only tribal college will waive tuition for Alaska Native students
Ravenna Koenig, Alaska's Energy Desk - Fairbanks
This month, Iḷisaġvik College in Utqiaġvik announced that it will waive tuition for all Alaska Native students, starting next semester.
T-rexes, minions and more at the ninth annual Polar Plunge
Samantha Davenport, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Last Saturday, over 1,000 people plunged into Goose Lake in Anchorage for Special Olympics Alaska. The event raised around $300,000 to support the team that will be going to the USA Games in Seattle next July.
The real cost of child care in Juneau
David Purdy, KTOO - Juneau
Working parents looking for child care can find themselves without many options in Juneau. Like a lot of things in Alaska — it’s expensive — sometimes costing more than $1,000 a month.