Building A Community, One Story At A Time

Think about being sixteen, in high school, and standing in front of a group of friends and strangers telling a story. Your story. That’s what a new Anchorage organization called StoryWorks is teaching local students to do–and helping them build community at the same time.

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Regan Brooks remembers being in high school more than 20 years ago when her teacher gave them each an assignment — tell a story about yourself.

“And there was somebody in my class who I didn’t know well at all who I’d been in school with for several years, and she shared a story in front of our whole class that abolished some of my assumptions about her. And really made me realize there’s this person there haven’t ever bothered to get to know that I wanted to get to know more.”

Brooks says storytelling helps people see each other differently and through that new level of understanding, builds community. So that’s the task she and a group of teachers and volunteers have given more than 700 students in Anchorage — tell your story. She recently led a workshop at Service High in Anchorage.

Brooks moves out into the hallway with a group of students and prepares to listen to their stories and give them feedback.

“You want to try to begin your story without the word ‘so’ and end it without saying ‘And yeah…'”

So with that, 11th grader Kevin Goodman launches into a tale about the first time he went hunting with his father.

“It all started on a muggy morning when we drove seven hours up to Paxton, which is about 70 miles from Glennallen.”

He clicks on his pen incessantly as he tells about camping in the rain, wading through cold streams with jagged rocks, and trying in vain to find a moose.

“And you know that scene in ‘Lord of the Rings’ where everybody had to duck because of all the birds flying over their heads? Well, it was kind of like that except we had a gun and we shot them.”

Goodman says he chose to share that story because it sparked his imagination and was an important turning point in his life.

“It was my first big, week-long hunting trip. It was kind of a coming of age, I guess, for me. Because my dad’s pretty strict on what your capabilities have to be on hunting, so that’s why I chose it.”

And then he starts getting feedback — this detail is great, you didn’t stutter at all, but maybe you should change some things… Story coach Jack Dalton chimes in.

“How can you tell the story in a way so that when you get to the ending we all go, ‘Oh, that’s right! They didn’t get the moose but sounds like they still had a great time. Or they didn’t get the moose but I can only imagine all those ptarmigan.'”

English teacher Lisa Wiley says that’s part of the reason she wanted to get her students involved with StoryWorks — so they could get feedback from other people.

“I can never get outside perspective on their work within my classroom. It’s always me as the audience. So this raises the level, the audience is now other people. Students respond differently to that. They are trying harder because there are strangers looking at their work.”

It’s also teaching them reading, writing, and public speaking — required topics in an English class.

a portrait of a woman outside

Anne Hillman is the healthy communities editor at Alaska Public Media and a host of Hometown, Alaska. Reach her Read more about Annehere.

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