Growing up as a young person in rural Alaska is both exciting and challenging. How do rural Alaskan youth decide what they want to be when they grow up and once they decide, what resources help them succeed? Join host Shelly Wade and her guests as they share how unique learning opportunities in Anchorage and rural Alaska have changed their lives on the next Hometown Alaska.
- Voyage to Excellence
- Chugach School District: Voyage to Excellence
- Galena Learning Academy
- RRANN (Recruiting and Retention of Alaska Natives into Nursing)
- ANSEP (Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program)
- Call 550-8433 (Anchorage) or 1-888-353-5752 (statewide) during the live broadcast (2:00 – 3:00pm)
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HOST: Shelly Wade
- Carol Wilson, Voyage to Excellence, Chugach School District
- Michelle Vlasoff, Shareholder Services Manager, Voyage to Excellence, Chugach School District
- John Buchanan, Galena Learning Academy, Galena School District
LIVE broadcast: Wednesday, February 15, 2012. 2:00 – 3:00 pm (Alaska time)
REPEAT BROADCAST: Wednesday, February 15, 2012. 7:00 – 8:00 pm (Alaska time)
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