The West Coast “Occupy” movement could end up affecting the Southeast city of Wrangell. Shipping interruptions caused by port protests may delay a time-sensitive streetlight project in Wrangell.
Most communities in Alaska don’t have big box stores. But that doesn’t mean residents in those places couldn’t participate in black Friday.
Last month, a piece of Wrangell’s history was welcomed home. Wrangell’s Cooperative Association threw a parade to celebrate the return of a totem pole created by the late Master Carver Tom Ukas.
In Wrangell, restoration work is being scheduled on the Chief Shakes Island Project. The tiny island in the middle of Wrangell’s harbor is home to a replica of Chief Shakes original clan house built in 1939.
Wrangell's new fish processor had a lighter than expected pink season, but that turned out to have a side benefit for the city-owned cold storage…
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