The Coast Guard is monitoring recovery efforts of a tug and barge that went aground in the Gulf Alaska, Wednesday afternoon. Download Audio
The City of Petersburg has just about finished fixing its collapsed hillside along downtown Hammer Slough.
The cleanup and repair work continues in Petersburg at the site of last weekend’s landslide into a downtown stream.
The Kenai River personal use dipnet fishery has closed for the season. It ended at midnight Sunday. But for the city of Kenai, the cleanup takes a few more days.
State Approves Lease Agreement for In-State Gasline, Denali Commission Official Anxious for Clarity on Returned Funds Request, Parnell Objects to Federal Management of Wetlands, Arkansas Teenagers Who Killed Juneau Man Will be Tried as Adults, and more...
Anchorage city workers collected piles of dirty blankets, beer cans and other belongings from two homeless camps Saturday, as part of the city's crackdown on homeless camps. Police officers had earlier warned homeless squatters to leave parks and greenbelts.