KSKA Tuesday, March. 6 2018, at 2:00 p.m. This show is all about the Iditarod National Historic Trail. This isn’t your average Iditarod dog mushing show though, this is also a celebration. 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the national trail system, which includes the Iditarod trail. The Iditarod Trail is the only winter trail in the National Trails System and the only Congressionally-designated National Historic Trail in Alaska.LISTEN HERE
KSKA: Thursday, Nov. 9, at 2:00 p.m. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we're revisiting an episode that was dedicated to our city’s centennial. We’ll hear stories of how we built the greenbelts, bike and ski trails that are now the defining characteristics of Anchorage. Each of our three guests played a part in providing us with the spaces to get out, enjoy nature, and safely get to work or just some exercise. This episode first aired in June of 2015.LISTEN HERE