KSKA: Wednesday, April 5, 2 pm and 8 pm After just one three-year term, Bill Evans declined to run again for the Anchorage Assembly. What is that form of public service like? What lessons did he learn? Were there disappointments? Surprises? Would he recommend it to another citizen?LISTEN NOW
Highlight reel of candidates running for Anchorage assembly seat D, serving West Anchorage.
Get to know your assembly candidates for East Anchorage in this highlight of RUNNING.
Highlights from the Assembly Running Program featuring candidates vying for seat F.
Mark Schimscheimer, Treg Taylor and John Weddleton compete for Seat J of the Anchorage Assembly, serving South Anchorage.
Forrest Dunbar and Terre Gales run for Seat H in the Anchorage Assembly, serving East Anchorage.
Ronald Alleva and incumbent Assemblyman, Dick Traini run for Seat F in the Anchorage Assembly.
Nicholas Begich III and Amy Demboski run for Seat A of the Anchorage Assembly.
A recent uptick in deadly shooting incidents and assaults in Anchorage have police and public safety advocates sprinting to organize a response to curb the violent trend. The Anchorage Police Department is organizing a task-force to tackle the problem, but what can communities do to help remedy the problem?KSKA: Friday, 2/6 at 2:00pm and Saturday, 2/7 at 6:00pmKAKM: Friday, 2/6 at 7:30pm and Saturday, 2/7 at 4:30pmDownload Audio
The Anchorage Assembly has voted to move municipal elections from Spring to Fall. Proponents argued it would increase voter turnout, which has been low. Critics say local issues will be lost amongst state and national ones.