If you've ever wondered why "the grass is always greener over the septic tank" all you need to do is drop by Stage Talk this week as we talk about Cyrano's Theatre Company'sproduction of Allison and Margaret Engel's one woman show Erma Bombeck: At Wit's End. Ursula Gould, who plays Erma Bombeck, along with director Krista M. Schwarting are Steve's guests this week. Erma Bombeck:At Wit's End is currently playing at Cyrano's and will continue until June 4th.
- Ursula Gould, "Erma Bombeck"
- Krista M. Schwarting, Director
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, May 19, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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- Anchorage Symphony
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- Cyrano's Theatre Company
- UAA Theatre and Dance
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- Alaska Dance Theatre
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- Urban Yeti Improv
- Scared Scriptless