Pre-Moth Radio Hour, This American Life and even Alaska's own Arctic Entries, author Studs Terkel took tape recorder in hand to interview real people doing real jobs across the country and then published a book about the people he met. Later, renowned composer Stephen Schwartz (Godspell, Pippin) collaborated with several other composers and song writers (James Taylor, Craig Carnelia, etc.) to bring that book to the stage in the form of the musical Working which is being presented by the University of Alaska Anchorage Department of Theatre and Dance. In their last weekend (Feb 24-26), Director Nova Cunningham and two of the actors from the show, Jacob Mayforth and Jordan Crenshaw drop by Stage Talk this week to give us some background on all of these remarkable people.
- Nova Cunningham, Director, Working
- Jordon Crenshaw, Actor ("Lovin' Al", "Conrad Swibel"), Working
- Jacob Mayforth, Actor ("Rex Winship", "Allen Epstein", "Tom Patrick"), Working
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, February 24, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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- Anchorage Symphony
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- UAA Theatre and Dance
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- Alaska Fine Arts Academy
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- Alaska Dance Theatre
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- Momentum Dance Collective
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- Scared Scriptless