Two people whose focus on life is through money meet. What is real and what is not? What is intangible and what has actual value? Cyrano's Theatre Company's Resident Playwright Dick Reichman's Money, which addresses many of these topics, comes back to Cyrano's in collaboration with RKP Productions to run January 20 through February 12. David Haynes and Becca Mahar drop by Stage Talk this week to talk about their characters, the play and the 25th anniversary of Cyrano's.
- David Haynes, "Walter"
- Becca Mahar, "The Girl"
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, January 20, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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- Anchorage Symphony
- Midnight Sun Theatre
- Blue Chair Productions
- Last Frontier Theatre Conference
- Anchorage Dinner Theatre
- Perseverance Theatre
- Cyrano's Theatre Company
- UAA Theatre and Dance
- UAA Music
- Anchorage Community Theatre
- Pulse Dance Company
- Valley Performing Arts
- Alaska Fine Arts Academy
- TBA Theatre
- Alaska Dance Theatre
- Anchorage Opera
- Momentum Dance Collective
- Out North Contemporary Art House
- RKP Productions
- Toss Pot Productions
- Urban Yeti Improv
- Scared Scriptless