Imagine Shakespeare's story of murder and magic, Macbeth as re-set in Bayou St. John in New Orleans during the time of famed Louisiana Creole practitioner of Voodoo, Marie Leveue and you have Tonia Hays' Voodoo Macbeth. Tune into Stage Talk this Friday to hear Actors Stephen Lochner and Kendra Gladwell along with Director Glenys Mee from Alaska Fine Arts Academy explain how it all goes together. Voodoo Macbeth runs only October 14th and 15th.
- Stephen Lochner, "Macduff" in AFAA's Voodoo Macbeth
- Kendra Gladwill, "ZiZi" in AFAA's Voodoo Macbeth
- Glenys Mee, Director of AFAA's Voodoo Macbeth
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, October 14, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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