Momentum Dance Collective is known for taking a few risks with their productions (like dancing off the side of the Anchorage Museum) and Urban Yeti is known for their long-form improvisations, which for some is like walking a tight wire without a net. So it makes sense that they'd collaborate, right? What will it be like? No one really knows yet, but Becky Kendall and Ariel Graham from Momentum Dance Collective and John Parsi from Urban Yeti come on Stage Talk this week to brain storm their ideas for a performance that will happen on November 12th at the Church of Love in Spenard.
- Becky Kendall, Founder, Choreography, Dancer Momentum Dance Collective
- Ariel Graham, Director, Choreographer, Dancer Momentum Dance Collective
- John Parsi, Improvisator Urban Yeti
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, October 7, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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