Perseverance Theatre is bringing six productions to Anchorage this year along with a few surprises. Josh Lowman, Anchorage General Manager drops by Stage Talk to chat about all that is going on. Peter and the Starcatcheropens the season on September 30th.
2016-2017 season
- Peter and the Starcatcher by Rick Elice, music by Wayne Barker. Sept 30- Oct 16
- Not Medea by Allison Gregory. November 11-20
- A Christmas Carol by Arlitia Jones and Michael Evan Haney.December 16-29
- Hold These Truths by Jeanne Sakata. January 6-15
- They Don't Talk Back by Frank Henry Kaash Katasse. March 3-12
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Christopher Sergel based on the book by Harper Lee. April 28-May 7
- Josh Lowman, Anchorage General Manager for Perseverance Theatre
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, August 12, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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- Midnight Sun Theatre
- Blue Chair Productions
- Last Frontier Theatre Conference
- Anchorage Dinner Theatre
- Perseverance Theatre
- Cyrano's Theatre Company
- UAA Theatre and Dance
- UAA Music
- Anchorage Community Theatre
- Pulse Dance Company
- Valley Performing Arts
- Alaska Fine Arts Academy
- TBA Theatre
- Alaska Dance Theatre
- Anchorage Opera
- Momentum Dance Collective
- Out North Contemporary Art House
- RKP Productions
- Toss Pot Productions
- Urban Yeti Improv
- Scared Scriptless