You'll dig the Cemetery Players Theatre Group as they once again congregate in the Anchorage Memorial Park Cemeteryto tell the tales of past famous and infamous citizens of our fair city. The second of three events planned for this summer by the company, Stories at the Cemetery will happen Sunday, July 10th starting at 6:00pm. Join Audrey Weltman Kelly, David Haynes and Linda Benson as they make an appearance this week on Stage Talk.
- Audrey Weltman Kelly, Actor and Researcher
- David Haynes, Actor
- Linda Benson, Playwright
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: Friday, July 8, at 2:45 p.m.
Audio will be posted following radio broadcast.
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- Blue Chair Productions
- Last Frontier Theatre Conference
- Anchorage Dinner Theatre
- Perseverance Theatre
- Cyrano's Theatre Company
- UAA Theatre and Dance
- UAA Music
- Anchorage Community Theatre
- Pulse Dance Company
- Valley Performing Arts
- Alaska Fine Arts Academy
- TBA Theatre
- Alaska Dance Theatre
- Anchorage Opera
- Momentum Dance Collective
- Out North Contemporary Art House
- RKP Productions
- Toss Pot Productions
- Urban Yeti Improv
- Scared Scriptless