Monday, August 29 at 1:00 pm
This month on Alaska Radio Reader Rambler, Toni McPherson and Shane Mitchell share inside historic library stories and what's happening at the library during the month long birthday party. A reading of Shane Mitchell's play, The Courtship of Zack and Ada about the quest for statehood and the romance of Ada Harper and Zack Loussac is set for September 23rd.
- Anchorage Library Foundation: Celebrating 25 Years of Loussac
- Facebook: Anchorage Public Library
- Municipality of Anchorage: Library
HOST: Sandy Harper and Dick Reichman
- Toni McPherson, Communications Director, Loussac Library
- Shane Mitchell, Anchorage playwright; artistic director, TBA Theatre
ORIGINAL BROADCAST: August 29, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.
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