Tyler Thompson
Brucellosis can be lethal to caribou and can also lead to miscarriages.
Angasan was the chairman of the Alaska Peninsula Corporation. He was also a founding member, and he served on the board for more than 42 years.
Conservationists are raising concerns about adding yet another stressor to an already endangered whale population — the proposed Pebble Mine.
A park ranger who oversaw the contest said the bear is the biggest he's seen in the park.
Strong salmon runs over the last few years, the bears in the annual contest are looking chubbier than ever.
A rare sighting of a bull musk ox has been caught on camera.
Critics say that the environmental impact statement was flawed.
Nobody was hurt or injured, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.
Alaska's congressional delegation pushed for the changes.
The Army Corps of Engineers plans to release its final environmental review for the proposed Pebble Mine later this summer. Last month, the Corps changed which transportation corridor it recommends. The route cuts through land owned by several Bristol Bay entities that refuse to grant Pebble access to their properties.