Robert Woolsey
Sitka Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins will end a decade-long legislative career when the Alaska House adjourns sometime later this year.
Under a plea agreement, Richard A. Forst must pay $144,925 in restitution to the City of Sitka and fines of $5,200.
“I am inspired,” said one fan at the hour-long event “Inspired at how much faster she is than I am.”
Seiners landed only 16,000 tons of herring last year, which was just under half of the harvest guideline. In 2020 and 2019, there were no fisheries at all.
The passing of Sitkan Dave Galanin in December was a two-fold loss for Alaska: He was a renown engraver in the Northwest Coast tradition, and he was singer and slide-guitarist from somewhere deep within the Delta blues.
A domestic chicken has about as many calories as a salmon, and even a greasy pizza box is rich in calories.
The sow was recognizable to many Sitkans for her white-tipped ears. Recently, she had been featured as the cover image on the Sitka Bear Report social media page. (Sitka Bear Report/Sam Schenck)
Thirteen brown bears have been killed in Sitka — 12 by wildlife authorities and one by a car.
Orthione griffenis, or O. griffenis, eventually kills its host shrimp, and soon the remaining shrimp can’t find each other to reproduce, rendering a blue mud shrimp population extinct.
Serenade of the Seas’ arrival coincided with a major coronavirus outbreak in Sitka, but that didn’t seem to affect the number of passengers visiting town — all of whom were vaccinated, except for children. There simply weren’t that many of them.